Project Ricochet launches Pushpin Planner, a full production meteor resource planning software app!
Meteor Software Development
Event-driven & reactive apps in a snap with Meteor JS
Meteor JS: Why Does the Meteor Framework Break the Mold?

If you've arrived at this page, you likely have heard about Meteor js and are wondering what it's all about (or you have already done your research and know you want it. In which case, let's get started!).
Our team has developed nearly 500,000 lines of code for Meteor apps spanning multiple verticals, including healthcare, retail operations/fulfillment, social media, theme park automation, and enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications.
Meteor js is a essentially a grouping of really slick javascript frameworks / tools assembled in one place. The end result is an application that gets developed much more quickly than you'd traditionally expect, with event driven behavior (everyone sees the same thing on the screen no matter where they are), reactivity, and MongoDB baked right in.
For a free demo of Meteor JS in action, give us a shout. We're happy to share our excitement and passion for Meteor Website Development. Truth be told, it's becoming more and more the case that Meteor projects are the most fun, exciting and interesting projects we've done in a long time - which is beyond cool.
A Few of Our Contributions to the Meteor Community
Project Ricochet co-founder gives a lightning talk at Meteor HQ about improving the performance of your Meteor applications.
The meteor-canonical package will forward to whatever url you want - in particular, to www.[yoursite].com if someone visits just [yoursite].com. This is important for your SEO because you don't want your site/content being found at both www and non-www.
A List of Meteor js Resources For Your Browsing Pleasure
- - A great place to start. How they scored will involve a beer or two and some time.
- Meteor's API Reference - See what Meteor is capable of by reviewing the API.