One of the silly things about Drupal is that it caches *each* unique url that results in a 404 as a unique entry in the cache. This is problematic because it basically ends up rebuilding the same 404 page over and over and over again. Why not just cache the 404 page once (respecting unique 404s per language per our "Internationalization 404" module) and serve it up each time as soon as we know we'll get a 404? That way we don't have to keep rebuilding the page!
Drupal Development & Drupal Module Development
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Drupal Development and Our Expertise...
We are a team of Drupal Website Development experts located near San Francisco. We know Drupal inside and out. In addition to creating hundreds of high quality and high performance Drupal websites and intranets over the years, we have also contributed back to the community in the form of support, sponsorship and code.
Our team can help with theming, Drupal module development, content strategy, seo optimization, Drupal database architecture, Drupal ecommerce, system security and high performance site optimization.
A Few of Our Contributions to the Drupal Development Community
We noticed that the 404 page doesn't provide a localized version of the page in the same way that other nodes are translated. So we created a module for this functionality and submitted it to the community to see which way they'd prefer to go.
At the time, Field Collections didn't support Revisions. This was a pretty big deal, so we patched it and submitted it back to the community.
We submitted a patch to extend the functionality of the module.
Any Menu Path allows you to put any relative path you'd like for a menu entry, even if the path doesn't exist on your site.
This module will allow a user with the proper permission to override Apache's default memory setting on specific Drupal paths.