7 Reasons Why You Need Social Media At DockerCon 2016 And Strategies to Succeed
Docker will contain an application with all of its dependencies in one neat unit, but social media tools aren’t so neatly packaged. In attending an event like DockerCon you'll want to optimize personal marketing, thought leadership development, and networking opportunities to their fullest potential.
Here are seven ways you can contain an effective Social Media Strategy that will work for you at DockerCon 2016:
Engage Directly with High Profile DockerCon Influencers
You’re at DockerCon to learn from knowledgeable Docker professionals such as Aanand Prasad (Software Engineer, Docker, @AanandPrasad), Amjad Afanah (Co-Founder, DCHQ,@dchqinc), and Andrea Luzzardi (Swarm Project Lead, Docker @aluzzardi). You’ve noticed their contributions to the community you value. Use social media to get them to notice you. “@ mention” these influencers on your social media feeds during sessions. Share your thoughts on the knowledge they’re sharing, tweet inspiring quotes, and get out that perfect snap of a key point on Instagram or Snapchat in seconds. You’ll help spread the knowledge of influencers who inspire you, and now you’ll show up on their radar too.
Brand Yourself as a Thought Leader
At DockerCon you’re surrounded with a captive audience for all things Docker. Utilize @Dockercon in tweets to share your thoughts with thousands of like-minded people or the convention hashtag #dockercon. Be sure to include it in your tweets so fellow DockerCon attendees can search easily for your thought leader content.
Find New People To Build Your Docker Empire
Engage directly with individuals when an idea or comment sparks your interest, prompts discussion, or makes you smile. With tools like IFTTT you can easily create a list of each person who is using social media to increase the value of their overall experience at DockerCon.
Leave Your Business Cards At Home and Network Faster
Your social media account will give more insight into who you are than a logo and those few lines of contact information. So share your handle, and network faster. As you know, each attendee will either have a smartphone in their pocket or a laptop conveniently laid out in front of them. Share a blog or article on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. Make it your goal to connect with, friend, or otherwise gather the social media information of 20 people so you can share that content directly. Ask your new contacts what their handle or profile ID is and send a quick tweet, FaceBook message, snap, or tag them in a quick Instagram or Facebook pic. Engage with them directly in their social media world for an immediate and personal connection.
Compile A Docker Resource Bank Quickly
Every article you like, share, or comment on becomes a list for you to reference in the future. It’s an automatic database that you can review whenever you log into your favored platform. There is nothing more valuable than a well-stocked and current resource bank that is easily accessible—especially when it’s suited to your particular needs and interest.
Increase Website Traffic, Improve SEO, and Tell Your Company Story
It’s no secret that an engaging, frequently-trafficked, and high follower count social media account grabs the attention of popular search engines like Google, Firefox, and, yes, Internet Explorer. Use DockerCon attendees social media accounts, along with established hashtags, to increase your influence organically. Not only will you be increasing your audience with individuals who are valuable to your professional image or company, but you’ll also be gaining more traffic when your organic searchability increases through the algorithms of the Powers That Be.
Everyone Else Is Doing It
Let’s face it: everyone wants to be the cool kid. Okay, even if you don’t want to be that cool kid, you need your brand to be one that’s known to them. If you take a minute to look around you’ll see that virtually everyone is on social media. Now is the time to develop a strategy that really works for you. By utilizing social media strategies at events like DockerCon, you are able to hit a very specific niche, target an audience that is hungry for all things Docker, and build relationships quickly and intimately.
Networking and sharing ideas are what conventions are all about. Social media platforms are the go-to tool you need to incorporate to get the highest value out of the investment you make in attending DockerCon. We’ll be there, and we’ll be glad to meet you!